well, it's getting busy around here, Tallsister arrived. I've met her before, but this time she brought a squirrel with her! She took over OUR room, where Rolydog and i sleep on the bed during the day, and where my crate is for nighttime. They moved the crate and dogbed into the almost-outside room, and gave Tallsister and her squirrel our space! At first the door was closed most of the time, but i could smell that there was something in there that wasn't a human, and it wasn't a dog, so it must be a squirrel. A weird squirrel, though, because it has a collar with a bell. I like to bark at squirrels, so the first time i met it i barked my usual charming "hey!hey! hey!" bark. The humans were not impressed, and the squirrel made a strange hissing sound. It took a while but i figured out where i'd heard that sound before - the Huxley! But they weren't calling it a Huxley, they were calling it a "cat" or a "Abilene". Finally after a day or two peeking over the gate they set up in the door, i got a better look at it, and now i realize it's a Huxley, so i approach slowly, tail wagging, ready to retreat skitterfast.
I can get along with a Huxley, i'm a smart dog.
Finn, on patrol.
Bad dog for barking; good cat for regulating; good dog for remembering proper manners.