Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Finn and the bells

There are lots of ching! things around this time of year, some of them friendly and some of them not.  Curlmom hung bunches of ching!s on the inside and outside of the door. She is trying to get Rolydog to hit the ching!s with his nose when he wants to go out, and come in, instead of scratching the door frame.  i like to leap up when i want to come in, but i can also tap the ching!s with my nose.  Curlmom gets so happy when i do that, she's funny.

That would be fine, if that was the only place that the sound happens, but there are some ching!s on the indoor greentree (what's it doing here, anyway?).  When i duck under the greentree to look out the window, somehow Curlmom and Curldad know i'm there, and call me back.  And, some days there are ching!s on the edges of the cookingroom counters, so if i peek up to pull a treat down for Roly (it's all his idea!), the ching! jumps down at me, and the humans tell me to stop (even if they didn't see me!)
So, is a ching! a friend, or foe?
Finn, on patrol

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