Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Finn and the Scent of Home

Tallsister and Abiman came through the door tonight! They have been gone more than 2 days (remember, counting's not really my strong suit).  I know this because Abicat has been in charge of the house while they were gone.  But the most important part of them coming through the door was I caught the scent of Bestmom and Bestdad!! I investigated their trouser legs and baggage and I'm sure I could smell them ... it made me happy to know my bestpeople had visitors at their faraway kennel.  I can tell it was faraway because there were many other interesting scents to read: I could tell they had spent a long time sitting close to lots of people they didn't know (dogs can tell if people know each other, of course). I even smelled egg salad sandwiches packed for a journey.
Now I'm going to settle into MY kennel, a little sad they're far away,  but happy to have news.

Finn, on patrol

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