Saturday, May 19, 2012

(with a nod to A A Milne)

Round about and round about
and round about we go
Round about the birch trees
The birch trees in the garden

Round about and round about
and round about and round about
and round about and round about
and round about we go!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Wow! Company!

You haven't heard from me for a while, but man have I been busy! The new dog, Mossiford, arrived last restday, late at night.  Since then we've been wrestling pretty much full time. He's a Sumo wrestler, I'm a welterweight - he probably weighs twice as much as I do.  I have the quick moves, though.  Roly stands next to Curlmom and Curldad and watches mostly.  He does take over when I'm in need of a rest. At the moment I'm panting after another game of chase, so I think I'll let him fill you in on his adventures.

Finn, tired but alert